Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Building Type

1.      Which building typology you are researching?  
·         The building typology I would be reaching is a school / university.

2.      Why are you researching the building type?
·          I decided to research a school because it was always my desire to design a school because the layout of a school was always very interesting to me.

3.      What is the specialty of this building type you would like to research? 
·         The specialty of this building type I would be researching is a school of architecture or school of technology and design.

4.      What are the examples that you will be researching?  
Building Name
UC Architecture School Building
Gonzalo Claro
Marseille's Architecture School Extension
PAN Architecture
Strasbourg School of Architecture
Marc Mimram
Melbourne School of Design University of Melbourne
John Wardle Architects & NADAAA
Jockey Club Innovation Tower
Zaha Hadid Architects
Hong Kong
Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation
LMS Architects
School of Architecture at the Royal Institute of Technology
Tham & Videgard Arkitekter
Waterloo School of Architecture
Levitt Goodman Architects
School of Arts in Canterbury
Hawkins/ Brown
Yale Art & Architecture Building
Gwathmey Siegel & Assoicates Architects


5.      What are your goals for working with this building?
·         Still thinking about this

6.      What are the program elements that you see included at this point in the building?
·         Studios
·         Labs
·         Printing rooms
·         Offices
·         Admins
·         Cafe' 
·         Atrium 
·         Classrooms

7.      Which site would you like to work on?  
·         625 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

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